Review Policy
Submission Guidelines
We welcome high-quality articles that report novel and previously unpublished results of conceptual, creative, experimental, or theoretical
work or study in any of the topic areas mentioned in the Call For Papers. When you submit a manuscript, you are indicating that it is not
being considered for publication elsewhere.
Please use the Easychair Management system to submit your article.
For the Submission Process, plagiarism should be less than 20% and single source should be less than 5%.
Plagiarism is solely the responsibility of the authors. From submission to publication, research articles should not be submitted anywhere.
Review Process
All articles will be subjected to double-blind peer review. Scope of the conference, structure, research technique, ethical conduct,
language standard, research insights, references, hypothesis, result presentation, proficiency, format, and a variety of other factors are
all considered during the assessment process.
Accepted papers and presented papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings.
The submitted manuscript will be reviewed by the Technical Program committee Members. This conference takes intellectual property protection
very seriously. Every submission will be checked for plagiarism and similarity.
The novelty and innovative research contribution of the paper will be evaluated.
Plagiarism Policy
Please be aware that plagiarised articles will be rejected (must be 15% or less, excluding references).
It is strictly forbidden to copy content from other articles. However, proper quotations and citations are required.
Articles that fail the plagiarism check will be rejected without review.